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Shaarei Tikvah stands with Israel. See our new page with helpful information and links to donate.

Online Payments

To pay your bill, scroll down to the form at the bottom of this page. To make a donation, below are descriptions of our funds. 

1. General Fund – Unrestricted giving to help defray operating costs of the synagogue
2. Building Fund – Helps make improvements to the Shaarei Tikvah building
3. Cantors' Discretionary Funds – Supports charitable giving to individuals and communal needs
4. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – Supports charitable giving to individuals and educational and
5. Anna and Louis Shereff Religious School Fund – Helps defray religious school cost for families who need a reduction in tuition
6. School Board Teacher's Gifts - Provides Chanukah and end-of-year gifts for teachers
7. Dr. Samuel and Chashie Anne Katz Welfare Fund – Supports our cooking days to feed seniors and the homeless
8. Simchat Torah Honorees - Donations in honor of this year's honorees help to support High Holiday programming.

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Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785