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Shaarei Tikvah stands with Israel. See our new page with helpful information and links to donate.

Social Action

Shaarei Tikvah embraces social action throughout the year.  Regular activities include:

  • Cooking Days for the Community Services Association soup kitchen in Mt. Vernon. We’ve moved our Cooking Days from the Shaarei Tikvah kitchen to individual homes with our families cooking lasagna and cookies. Participation welcomed! Check out the Weekly STory for dates.
  • Monthly Food Drives for the food pantry at Slater Community Center in White Plains. We’re collecting non-perishable food items to help hungry families in Westchester. The need right now is so great. Donate tuna, pasta, mac n’cheese, canned meals, cans of soup and stable fruits and vegetables such as bags of apples, carrots, potatoes, etc.
  • High Holiday food drive: Pick up a couple of bags on Rosh Hashanah and return them by Kol Nidre. Each bag should contain 3 cans tuna, 3 boxes mac and cheese, 3 cans meals, 3 cans soup, 1 box cereal and 1 box pasta. Let’s see how many we can collect this year!
  • Purim Shalach Manot – packing and delivering healthy goody bags for isolated seniors in the Bronx.
  • Back-to school supply and fall holiday gift drives.
  • B’nai Mitzvah class mitzvah projects.

Each year we do new projects, so please check our calendar regularly!

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785